

We work smarter for a more sustainable future

We at Telenor Cyberdefence are proud to be Environmental Lighthouse certified! This means that we take environmental responsibility seriously – for our customers, partners and employees. With this certification, we have good tools and routines in place, so that we can work even smarter to reduce our environmental impact every day.

The Transparency Act – We Take Responsibility

At Telenor Cyberdefence, we are committed to acting with respect for human rights and ensuring good working conditions—both within our own organization and throughout our supply chain. We comply with the Transparency Act, which promotes openness and accountability in business.

As part of this effort, we identify, assess, and manage any negative impacts on human rights and working conditions that we may directly cause or contribute to through partnerships or customer relationships.

We conduct regular due diligence assessments and map our supply chain to identify potential risks. Suppliers in risk categories receive information about our requirements and expectations.

Want to learn more about the Transparency Act?
Here, you can read the law itself and the Consumer Authority’s guidance. (in Norwegian)