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Mangler en plan for cybertrusselen

Mangler en plan for cybertrusselen

Norsk næringsliv er stadig mer utsatt for digitale angrep. Mange bedrifter er ikke godt nok forberedt på denne trusselen.

Telenor-konsernet har nylig intervjuet 300 norske bedriftsledere. En av fem svarer at bedriften har blitt utsatt for digitale angrep eller lignende sikkerhetshendelser det siste året. Dette stemmer godt overens med andre undersøkelser om samme tema.

«Norsk næringsliv og offentlige virksomheter er utsatt for stadig flere og mer alvorlige cyberangrep. Aldri før har vi opplevd så hyppige og alvorlige cybertrusler som i dag. Eksponentiell vekst av data og økende digitalisering av alle deler av samfunnet gir de kriminelle en større angrepsflate. Dette er en utfordring vi må ta på det største alvor», sier Thomas Kronen, leder for Telenor Cyberdefence.

Nye metoder

Telenors sikkerhetssenter, som monitorerer og beskytter bedriftskunders nettverk og datautstyr, håndterer i snitt mer enn 20 alvorlige hendelser hver måned. Det siste året har sikkerhetssenteret registrert en dreining i måten norske virksomheter angripes på.

Det er spesielt to fremgangsmåter som utmerker seg. De kriminelle forsøker enten å stjele ansattes brukernavn og passord, eller å komme seg inn i bedriftens nettverk via såkalte edge devices. Dette er endepunkter som er eksponert direkte mot nettet, ofte for at ansatte og samarbeidspartnere skal ha enkel tilgang til informasjon. Dette kan du lese mer om i rapporten «Digital Sikkerhet 2024: Har vi tid til å vente?»

«Bedriften og de ansatte har et felles ansvar for å beskytte bedriften. Vi er flinke til å beskytte bedriften fysisk, for eksempel ved å låse døren når vi går hjem. Hvordan sørger vi for å ha like gode rutiner digitalt? Hver enkelt av oss har et ansvar for å være årvåkne og forsiktige når vi bruker arbeidsverktøyene våre», mener Kronen.

Styrker sikkerheten 

Mange ledere er bekymret, og varsler økte investeringer i sikkerhet. Beredskap er også en sentral del av bekymringen. Mange bedrifter har ingen plan dersom de skulle bli angrepet.

Telenors undersøkelse har blant annet gitt følgende svar:

  • Blant bedriftene som er spurt, så har 55 prosent økt sikkerheten knyttet til passord, identiteter og annen sikkerhetskontroll det siste året. 
  • 44 prosent svarer at det er ganske eller svært sannsynlig at man vil øke ressursbruken knyttet til cybersikkerhet i året som kommer. 
  • Bare 1 av 3 svarer at bedriften har gode nok varslings- og beredskapsrutiner dersom noe skulle skje. Noen har ingen beredskap, mens andre opplever at beredskapen ikke er god nok.

«Når vi spør ledere om beredskap, så er det også mange som svarer at de ikke vet hvilke rutiner de har. Det er bekymringsfullt i seg selv. Vårt råd til bedriftene er at de bør bruke mer tid på å forstå trusselbildet rundt seg og gjøre en risikoanalyse. Hva er bedriftens «kronjuveler», verdiene som vi må beskytte for enhver pris? Og hvordan kan vi sikre disse verdiene best mulig med de midlene vi har tilgjengelig? Hvis man stiller disse spørsmålene så er det en veldig god start», sier Kronen.

Brannmur og kryptering

Dette er de vanligste cybersikkerhetstiltakene i norske bedrifter, ifølge respondentene i Telenors undersøkelse.

  • Brannmurer – 55 prosent
  • Antivirusprogrammer – 53 prosent
  • To faktor autentisering – 45 prosent
  • Regelmessig sikkerhetskopiering av data – 44 prosent
  • Opplæringsprogrammer for ansatte – 31 prosent
  • Beredskapsplaner – 29 prosent
  • Kryptering – 28 prosent

Combitech AS Becomes Part of Telenor Cyberdefence

Combitech AS Becomes Part of Telenor Cyberdefence

In June, Telenor established the cybersecurity company Telenor Cyberdefence. Now, Telenor Cyberdefence is acquiring Combitech AS (formerly Watchcom Security Group), which will become part of Telenor’s new cybersecurity company.

The acquisition strengthens Telenor Cyberdefence’s position as a leading provider of cybersecurity solutions to private and public businesses in Norway, with the ambition to expand across the Nordics. The purchase price is confidential between the parties.

“When we announced Telenor Cyberdefence, we stated that we have big ambitions. This acquisition demonstrates that, and we have more in the pipeline,” says Dan Ouchterlony, Head of Telenor Amp.

Telenor Cyberdefence is part of the Telenor Amp portfolio, which consists of 15 wholly or partially owned companies with a combined value of 10-12 billion NOK.

A Perfect Match

Combitech AS is the Norwegian business of the Swedish security company Combitech AB, which in turn is owned by the defence and security group Saab. Combitech AS has offices in Oslo and just over 20 employees.

“We are pleased to welcome Combitech AS to Telenor Cyberdefence. This transaction is a significant step forward for us and provides the opportunity to offer our customers a broader portfolio of cybersecurity solutions,” says Thomas Kronen, CEO of Telenor Cyberdefence, adding:

“Combitech AS has a strong security environment with solid expertise and long traditions, and with its strategy, service portfolio and customer base, it is a perfect match for Telenor Cyberdefence. Through this acquisition, we add valuable expertise in addition to expanding our current customer base, which gives us a solid foundation to look at further investment.”

Combitech AS provides services in security consulting, penetration testing (authorized simulated cyberattack) and cloud-based monitoring and response. The company’s experienced security experts will contribute valuable knowledge and expertise to Telenor Cyberdefence and work closely with Telenor Norway’s business division.

“Through the merger with Telenor Cyberdefence, we get the opportunity to become part of one of Norway’s leading security environments and contribute to building a strong position in the market. The threat landscape is constantly changing, and we are convinced that together we will be able to offer our customers even better security services and support,” says Anders Thulin Røkke, CEO of Combitech AS.

Thulin Røkke will become Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Telenor Cyberdefence.

Building Up Speed

The acquisition of Combitech AS is one of several strategic initiatives from Telenor to strengthen its security position in the Nordic market. Telenor Cyberdefence was established less than a month ago, and the company is in the process of recruiting.

“We have ambitions to become a leading partner for cybersecurity solutions in the business market in the Nordics. The acquisition of Combitech AS is an important step to achieve this goal,” says Dan Ouchterlony.

Telenor Establishes New Cyber Security Company with Nordic Ambitions

Telenor Establishes New Cyber Security Company with Nordic Ambitions

Dan and Thomas

Norwegian businesses and public sector organisations are facing more frequent and severe cyberattacks. According to a survey conducted by Norstat, 1 in 5 business leaders reported having experienced cyberattacks in the past year – a staggering 130,000 Norwegian companies. In response to this growing threat, Telenor is establishing a new cyber security company to meet these increasing demands from businesses.

“We have never experienced cyber threats as frequent and severe as we do today. The business digital landscape is under constant attack, making robust cybersecurity more critical than ever. Telenor has decided to build on its experience and expertise as one of the Norway’s strongest security players and is establishing a new cybersecurity company with Nordic ambitions,” says Sigve Brekke, CEO & President of Telenor.

The newly formed company, named Telenor Cyberdefence, will become part of Telenor Amp. Today, Telenor Amp’s portfolio is comprised of 15 fully- or partially-owned companies with a combined value of NOK 10-12 billion.

“The exponential growth of data and the increasing digitalisation of society are providing criminals with a larger digital landscape to attack. This is a challenge we are taking seriously by establishing Telenor Cyberdefence, and purposely focusing on digital security. This will enable us to develop advanced security products for the business market more rapidly and more effectively meet market needs,” says Dan Ouchterlony, EVP & Head of Telenor Amp.

Thomas Kronen has been appointed CEO of the new company.

“With the establishment of Telenor Cyberdefence, we will bring together security expertise from across our Nordic region to create a powerful entity with comprehensive capabilities dedicated to safeguarding our customers’ digital security,” says Thomas Kronen, CEO of Telenor Cyberdefence

Addressing a Significant Market Need

The Norstat survey, conducted on behalf of Telenor, also revealed that nearly 9 out of 10 business leaders are concerned about their operations being crippled by a cyberattack.

“Businesses across all sectors are increasingly being targeted by cybercriminals and there is a significant unmet need in the market. We want to capture a share of this,” says Thomas Kronen, CEO of Telenor Cyberdefence. He points out that the new company has ambitions to build a position across the Nordic region.

Telenor Cyberdefence will offer businesses a Security Operations Centre (SOC) for 24/7 monitoring, prevention, detection, and response to all types of cyber threats and incidents. The company will also provide specialist expertise through consultancy services and testing of IT systems and infrastructure.

“The Norwegian SOC market is worth around NOK 3 billion annually, according to our own analysis. Telenor Cyberdefence has ambitions to expand its operations across all Nordic markets, presenting a significant opportunity for rapid growth and establishing a strong market position,” says Kronen.

Leveraging Strong Security Expertise

Telenor Cyberdefence builds upon Telenor’s established position as a leading provider of digital security solutions for businesses in Norway. As part of Norway’s Total Defence and as a custodian and protector of critical national infrastructure, Telenor possesses unique insights into the evolving threat landscape.

“With the establishment of Telenor Cyberdefence, we will bring together security expertise from across our Nordic region to create a powerful entity with comprehensive capabilities dedicated to safeguarding our customers’ digital security. We will now accelerate this focus, refine our expertise, and develop more and better services that contribute to securing Norwegian and Nordic businesses,” says Kronen.

The establishment of Telenor Cyberdefence involves the transfer of approximately 50 security personnel from Telenor Norway to the new company. The company will also assume responsibility for Telenor Norway’s existing SOC customers, resulting in Telenor Cyberdefence commencing operations with a customer base of around 70 Norwegian businesses.

This Nordic expansion follows a recent strengthening of the internal security environment within Telenor Norway. Telenor Norway owns and operates critical infrastructure, and as a result, the company has over the years established a robust and highly competent security environment to fulfil its vital societal responsibilities. Considering the evolving security landscape and the increasing prevalence of cyber-attacks, Telenor has further strengthened this environment through the establishment of a new and dedicated internal Cyber Security Operation Centre (CSOC). This center will focus on Telenor Norway’s extensive and intricate IT and telecom infrastructure, further enhancing security for Telenor Norway, its customers, and Norwegian society.